martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015


1) I'm going to learn French next month
I'm not going to learn French next month
Am I going to learn French next month?

2) You're going to drink the coffee with my brother tomorrow
You're not going to drink the coffee with my brother tomorrow
Are you going to drink the coffee with my brother tomorrow?

3) We're going to write the letter next week
We're not going to write the letter next week
Are we going to write the letter next week?

4)they're going to sleep in my house next Friday
They're not going to sleep in my house next Friday
Are they going to sleep in my house next Friday?

5) He's going to sing at the party next year
He's not going to sing at the party next year
Is he going to sing at the party next year?

6) She's going to speak English in class next Monday
She's not going to speak Engliah in class next Monday
Is she going to speak English in my class next Monday?

7) It's going to eat in my house tomorrow
It's not going to eat in my house tomorrow
Is It going to eat in my house tomorrow?

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015


       Gold Museum

   Botero Museum



Bolivar plaza

Botanical Garden

park 93

Catredhal Primada

Quita de Bolivar

Colpatria Tower


National Capitol


Salitre Mágico Park


Cerro de Guadalupe

International Trade Center

El Campin Stadium

Cici Aquapark

National Park

Currency House

Virgilio Barco library